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The Hospital of the Future 


What would the future of the Health Care Industry look like in 20 years? With everyday evolving technologies, we can't help but to dream and wonder how each industry is affected. With Artificial Intelligence emerging, and the promising evolution of Augmented and Virtual Reality, we will be closer to providing Health Care Services to every individual around the globe.

This project was originated and first developed on 2017 within the Industrial Design division from Worrell Design as a way of inspiring other employees and potential clients to think about the future. In such a restricted industry followed by extensive regulations, dreaming is highly encouraged to push the industry forward.

Main Idea:

Imagine a drone the size of a Chinook Helicopter, with an OR (Operating Room) on the inside, and then imagine this drone deploying from a base hospital and traveling all the way to a remote area. Once it lands, a small pod detaches from the drone and picks up the patient, brings them into the drone, and preps them for surgery. This is when AR and VR technologies come into play. A team of specialized physicians back at the base hospital sit on the Surgical Center Stations, where they remotely operate the patients using highly specialized surgical tools and visualization tools.


Sit back and enjoy this set of rendered images.  


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