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MTG Dental Care Service


Growing up in a family of dentists, I had first hand exposure to the struggles and challenges of providing dental care services. This project was during personal time and as a result of seeing how my dad would constantly be interrupted while enjoying his family or while fishing on a Saturday evening by patients who thought required immediate assistance, turns out they only had food stuck between their teeth...

Have you ever had an issue with your teeth and wonder what it's all about? Imagine having a portable, cute, dental camera that you can take anywhere you go. Wether at the office or on a vacation trip, you can use your MTG Dental Camera to scan your teeth using your smartphone as a screen to display what the camera is looking at. Once you find the are of pain, you can snap a picture with the MTG App, where you can also fill out a quick questionnaire which will determine the urgency of the situation. You can schedule an appointment right through the app, and even find the closest Dental Care Providers. 

From a Dentist's side, they can keep enjoying time with their family and private time while this app is scheduling appointments for them. If needed, they can access the system with the Master App version where they can see the pictures taken by their patients and provide immediate assistance to them. Dental Assistants on the clinic can pass on the information from each appointment scheduled to the Dentist, and facilitate the extensive process of downloading information of the patient on the time of each visit. Wouldn't it be nice?

This project is dedicated to my dad and best Dentist, Dr. Martín Gerardo Treviño Garza. 



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